July 8, 2007


Here is how I came up with the name for my blogspot (matsyaa). In Sanskrit/Kannada Matsya means Fish. (Didn't find matsya and hence matsyaa). Hope the extra "a" gives my blog a better future ;)
When I was about 15 years old I came across a book on Sun Signs by Linda Goodman. Since then I truly believed that my characteristics were true to a Piscean and have liked the idea of having characteristics of a fish :) But now I don't follow any of it like before. Today while I was googling for a name to christen my blog with, reading so many things on the web really made my mind run away from the actual thing I had set forth with. I came across Kuvempu's website and then Sanskrit and then I thought I should become like Kuvempu and after going through some of Kuvempu's work I felt its extremely stupid of me to even think that I could become as great as Kuvempu. He's one of the greatest writers of all time. Meanwhile I was thinking I should learn Sanskrit the Mother of all Indian languages :), but then I realized how much a Piscean I am, dreaming all the time... My actual learning started when I entered my Engineering. Since then I am a semi-atheist, non-aligned to any single thought. Believer in "Nothing is Impossible" and so and so. I came across Steve Jobs Autobiography a year back. With the IPod and now the IPhone, he has refined and translated technology into art. He's my inspiration these days. This blog is a total concoction of Life as I see. As you can see from the above writing my thoughts are very varied and you can expect the same in the coming days. Hope I keep up with my writing and make this a meaningful Blog.

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