July 26, 2008

My Thoughts on good governance in Karnataka

We need to Create a honest, and intelligent society to take on the world. We are slowly moving to a globalized economy and to safeguard ourselves, we need to be smart and efficient.

Following are the things the Government should take up on priority:

Preserving nature and wild animals.

Cleanliness drive.

Zero tolerance for corruption. Govt is as corrupt as the public. We want all benefits but we don't want to pay our taxes. The problem is we are afraid to give our hard-earned money to the government as we feel the government will anyways eat away our money. So it is important for the government to take ownership and responsibility of the hard-earned money given by the people for the overall well-being of the society. Government needs to gain the respect of the people today.

Government should take ownership of their actions and encourage businesses to pay taxes by having varying category of tax slabs based on the current economic trends. Government should guide them at every step and help them re-build at the time of crisis. Government should educate businesses with current ROI (return on investment) for a business and local & global risks involved in different businesses.

It is important that we shouldn't invest in loss making ventures which doesn't help our people.
Also Government should aim at happiness index which is being recognized by governments all over the world. People should be made aware of the importance of being happy.

Aim to remove the quota system which has divided people based on caste and creed. We need to assist backward and under-privileged classes and not people based on their caste or creed.

Issuing Social Security ID as the primary ID for all citizens of the country.

Take up reforms that have long term benefits.

Create awareness on population control. Population has a direct effect on our natural resources. Encourage 1 child policy.

Inculcate core values in children such as honesty, discipline, cleanliness & timeliness.

Change the education system. In schools, have both english and Kannada as the medium of instruction. English is now a global language and it is very important for students to learn English. It is more important for us to interact with people especially when it comes to technology, the language of choice is English. To allow a balance, we can give option for
students to pick 2 subjects with Kannada as the medium and 2 subjects with English as the medium. I believe that learning 3 languages in schools is too much pressure on the students. Once a child knows one indian language, it is easier to pick up other Indian languages.

Encouraging speciality schools. Helping students to perfect in one field rather than become "Jack of all trade - master of none".

Improving the standard of Government schools. I think Government cannot run schools on charity. Government schools should charge tution fees based on income of parents. This will help the government to improve facilities and increase the renumeration of teachers. By doing this students from all classes of society will come to study in government schools.

Programs to highlight Karnataka's culture and heritage. Our culture is represented by our language. Promote Kannada by incorporating it in local businesses.

Improve public mass transportation systems.

For Bengaluru-Mangaluru region:
Provide for Bengaluru-Mangaluru passenger day train as soon as possible. Allow existing private
road transport businesses to participate and share the profits, by allowing them to invest in Cargo/Goods train. This will reduce the load on the national highway and lessen the frequent road accidents that occur in the ghat section. This will also reduce the cost of petroleum products as well.